----- Lee Revell <rlrevell@email-addr-hidden-job.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-03-17 at 13:22 -0500, Dana Olson wrote:
> > Just as an FYI to those of you who might be interested in this...
> >
> > I have it on good authority that Mark Shuttleworth has been working
> > towards hosting a multimedia-oriented derivative of Ubuntu, set for
> > Dapper+1 release time.
> >
> > I should know more on Monday, after his conference call.
> >
> > My own speculation is that it will be called "Mubuntu" given this:
> >
> > Domain name: MUBUNTU.COM
> >
> > Administrative Contact:
> > Troup, James hostmaster@email-addr-hidden
> >
> > Dana
> This fragmentation is idiotic and will destroy Linux. Linux as an
> audio
> platform will be a joke as long as a customized distro is required to
> use it.
> OSX and Windows don't need a "Multimedia edition" why should Linux?
I find comparisons like this to be unproductive and flamey, though a valid question. Perhaps you could phrase it in a less naive way? I would never compare GNU/Linux to a commercial operating systems like OS X or Windows because the goals are so entirely different. What I would do is apply basic human interface and programming guidelines on a distribution, mixed with best practices for getting binaries compiled and distributing them.
I personally choose Debian because of the sentiment Lee has expressed. It is extensive, flexable and has a good support community. There are times when it is a pain in the ass and you hear from me on lists like this but those are few and far between. Debian also has the advantage of the CDD (Custom Debian Distribution). A set of binaries that compliment a base system without being included in the official archive. I believe this is the future and solves the distro-anxiety which leads to a glut of specialized distros that eventually go unmanaged and die. Pick Debian and you are guaranteed a stable base system but with old audio production packages. Add the CDD of choice (DeMuDi in this case) and you now have access to more recent packages. Add the testing archive (for those of you who followed my initial thread about etch, yes, I updated and things are working much better, cheers) and you can get involved with helping out the official archive. Everyone wins.
Received on Sat Mar 18 00:15:17 2006
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