bittorrent has command line clients. The bittorrent package in debian comes with two.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ismael Valladolid Torres <ivalladolidt@email-addr-hidden>
Subj: Re: [linux-audio-user] Sharing samples via P2P
Date: Fri Mar 24, 2006 15:57
Size: 1K
To: linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
Dana Olson escribe:
> I would be willing to work on that website if you all think it's a good
> idea. I could put checkboxes too for file contents, and have icons to
> show what each file contains, like check off if it's a MIDI file, WAV
> files, DLS, SF2, etc. I think it'd be a really good idea, and I have the
> time to do up the site, and I can host it on (unless
> someone more generic, ex:, wants to host it).
It would be sooooo lovely...
> As far as networks go, is there a good command-line client that we could
> use that will run in a screen session and not take up a gig of RAM?
> Ideally, IMHO, the FrostWire/LimeWire clients are great, but I'd prefer
> a screen session to leave it running in the background.
Well, I guess many of us would be using a P2P client apart from that
command-line client nevertheless. And configuring mldonkey for not
eating all your RAM is obvious to me (simply lowering max sources per
file to 200 or even less).
Cordially, Ismael
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