[linux-audio-user] dmix

From: polly <lister@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Mar 28 2006 - 17:43:22 EEST


   I think I've done the things to my /etc/asound.conf to make dmix work ..
  and I have two command line scripts to make multiple requests for sound

   aplay /wavi/sounds/file1.wav & aplay /wavi/sounds/file2.wav & etc etc
   mplayer -ao alsa:device=dmix /av/afile.avi

   I can play many, many sounds at once using the first commands repeated
many times quickly

   I can do the same thing have many instances of mplayer running ok, with
sound, at once.

   I cannnot get the wav files to play if even one instance of mplayer is
running or

  vice versa. In other words, the dmix seems, to me, to only allow multiple

  of the same application to make sounds simultaneously. In particular I
find that

  the Flightgear sim refuses to run if any other app is using sound; I
expected the

  dmix to multiplex sound from different apps.

  Appreciate any help,thanks,

Received on Tue Mar 28 20:15:11 2006

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