[linux-audio-user] A graphical LADSPA host for Ardour and Debian?

From: Joseph Jones <bumpycarrot@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Apr 01 2006 - 22:58:28 EEST

Hi again peeps,

So I've been having a ton of fun messing around with the various
sequencers, synths etc. available.

However, I've come against a wall, it looks kinda like this:

I want to be able to record a real instrument into Ardour (can already
do this) and then apply some LADSPA effects to it. *However*, some of
the plug-ins I'm using have two inputs, such as signal difference
plugins etc. and Ardour can't handle them. I've tried using omsynth
for this, but my poor Athlon 2000+ can't seem to handle om and Ardour
at the same time.

So if anyone has any suggestions as to how to proceed, they'd be most
welcome :) In particular, I'd prefer a graphical solution with a
Debian/DeMuDi package available.


Joe Jones
  Version: 3.1
  GIT/MU d-- s+:-- a-- C++ UL+ L++ E---- W++ w M t(++) 5++ tv D++ e+ h--
  ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
Received on Sun Apr 2 00:15:04 2006

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