Lee Revell wrote:
>On Wed, 2006-04-12 at 20:58 -0400, paul wisehart wrote:
>>On Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 08:32:04PM -0400, Lee Revell wrote:
>>>Is there an easy way to get the songs off the iPod under Linux?
>>I've used gtkpod to get songs off of ipods with both apple and windows
>>formatted ipods, and then used faad/lame to make mp3s.
>>(If the songs are stored as mp3, then obviously no conversion is needed.)
>Thanks! I was under the impression it was harder. Isn't it impossible
>under Windows without a specialized app to mount the partition with the
>audio files and copy them to your hard drive? Was that just a silly
>iTunes/driver restriction?
Actually it was a little easier than that for me since i have a complete
gnome2 instalation with dbus, hal and gvm (gnome-volume-manager). then
the iPod is automatcally mounted in /mount/ipod. all you have to do is
point gtkpod to it with its menu options and whalah. I even opted to
have gtkpod automaicaly open when the iPod is pluged in, and it unmounts
the iPod when i close it. and they say linux isn't user friendly. ;-)
( is it just me, or is gtkpod 10x faster than iTunes? )
Received on Thu Apr 13 08:15:02 2006
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