Mark Knecht <markknecht@email-addr-hidden>, on Tue Apr 18, 2006 [06:40:44 PM] said:
> Even easier is doing absolutely nothing at all! Currently the
> 2.6.16 kernels I use work with realtime-lsm. My intermediate solution
> will be to do no new kernel updates after the kernel developers make
> this change (assuming they do...) until the Gentoo devs eventually do
> the pam update. It's not in my future to mess with stuff like this by
> hand...
> Cheers,
> Mark
Is there something wrong with the overlay Frieder posted?
I just downloaded his tarball, unpacked it in my local portage overlay
and emerged the patched pam. (That part worked, I havent verified
that I can do realtime stuff yet, though;)
(really, the official gentoo version of pam should just
have the simple obvious patch applied-- no need to upgrade it
to a newer version-- the changes are trivial as far as I can
Received on Thu Apr 20 08:15:11 2006
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