Hi Reuben! Thank you very much for your very helpful information... It
looks right now as if I will continue the Ultra-Low-End for a while
until Apogee has better support.
> The Ensemble is a rack unit as well.
Yes, I don't mind carrying around one rack-mountable device. I just want
to avoid a complete heavy-duty rack with several devices if possible so
I can use public transport to get to smaller gigs (quite possible in
Switzerland without a lot of luggage).
> than through the software they provide then you would be in trouble
> because that software is not designed to run on Linux. If all the
> functionality is accessable from the hareware interface though then
> you should be alright.
>From their web site it looks as if the software's the only way to
control things. Which would mean the Rosetta with seperate pre-amps
looks like the best option... Too bad. Maybe I'll have to compromise on
audio quality (maybe the Motu UltraLite or something from RME) in order
to get the portability.
Thanks Again, Reuben!
Received on Mon May 8 20:15:03 2006
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