> On Mon, 2006-05-08 at 07:22 +0200, eun.sung@email-addr-hidden-log.org wrote:
>> hi
>> i'd really like to use dino, as it seems simple and efficient.
>> i tried to sequence zynaddsubfx but when i create a nex track in dino i
>> can't choose the zynadd channel output. i've not tried with another midi
>> client (what i should do).
> Dino only works with synths that have JACK MIDI ports. The standard
> version of ZynAddSubFX does not have that, you need to patch it with one
> of these patches:
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1310895&group_id=62934&atid=502314
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1310897&group_id=62934&atid=502314
ok thanks for info
> The second one is better since that adds support for LASH as well. These
> patches add a JACK MIDI port that work simultaneously with the ALSA
> sequencer port, so you can use Dino and e.g. your ALSA-supported
> keyboard with ZynAddSubFX at the same time.
>> and could you please explain me how edit patterns?
> There is a brief description in the README. Basically it's like this:
> * Ctrl-left click adds notes
> * Ctrl-right click removes notes
> * Middle click and drag left/right changes the length of notes
> * Ctrl-middle click and drag up/down changes the velocity of notes
> * Left clicking and dragging outside notes selects all notes inside the
> dragged box
> * Shift-left click selects or unselects a single note
> * Clicking and dragging a note moves that note (or the entire
> selection)
> * Middle-clicking outside notes inserts a copy of the current selection
> at that point
> * "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Delete", "Select all" work as expected
> (except that when you "Paste" you have to click where you want the
> notes in the clipboard to appear)
> * Left clicking and/or dragging in the controller box adds controller
> events, right clicking and/or dragging removes them
>> by the way i really like the interface
> Thank you.
oh sorry, i haven't check the README file, but if i dare an advice, maybe
you should put this "manual" online?
> --
> Lars Luthman
> PGP key: http://www.student.nada.kth.se/~d00-llu/pgp_key.php
> Fingerprint: FCA7 C790 19B9 322D EB7A E1B3 4371 4650 04C7 7E2E
Received on Mon May 8 20:15:03 2006
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