On Wed, 10 May 2006 21:08:55 +0200
Frank Barknecht <fbar@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'll do a concert at May 18 2006 as part of the Scene NRW: Baltics
> festival. It will be an evening with literature and music, where
> besides me the Latvian writer Pauls Bankovskis will read and Selfish
> from Lativa will do a DJ set.
> All this will happen at the Elektra bar in Cologne, Germany. I will
> perform an extended version of the stuff I did at the Linux Audio
> Conference 2006, which means lots of physical modelling with [msd2D]
> and [msd3D] for visuals and sound in Pure Data.
> Some more info, pics and URLs at http://footils.org/cms/show/53
> I still haven't found a good name for this performance. Code name
> always was: "Faltig" but today another name occured to me with may be
> even cuter:
> "Einstürzende Bauklötze".
> Or maybe not.
> Ciao
I'd love to go to some of these sort of events, but mid-week means no
chance as I'll be working :(
It would also be quite expensive to get there from England at such
short notice.
-- FReceived on Thu May 11 00:15:03 2006
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