>I found out a very interesting page and a webcast
>about the 9'th symphony of Beethoven stretched to 24
>hours here:
>And on this page ( )
>I found that for this was used CLM and SND.
>How can I do the same?
Its just a simple granulate processing with a tiny bit of reverb on top.
Halfly pseudo, it can look like this:
(let* ((read0 (make-readin filename #:channel 0))
(read1 (make-readin filename #:channel 1))
(gr0 (make-granulate #:expansion 22.0 #:length 0.15 #:hop 0.03))
(gr1 (make-granulate #:expansion 22.0 #:length 0.15 #:hop 0.03)))
(output-to-file file-object (granulate gr0 (lambda () (readin read0)))
(granulate gr1 (lambda () (readin read1))))))
Very simple. You have to tune the length and hop sizes though, plus volume
and stuff.
> It's possible to do this in
> batch mode?
Yes, the first first version of this stretch was actually run in batch
I didn't want to stay up all night generating all the files. :-)
Received on Wed May 24 08:15:14 2006
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