Are you kidding me? This is some of the finest stuff on the planet!
Well anyways as mentioned here this is stuff that cares about 'good free
music more than what tools it was made with'.
I mean this guy is not just talking about things, he is actually putting
out extremely high quality music for an open source license and I
guarantee this is stuff people want to hear.
Hartmut Noack wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello
> Carlo Capocasa schrieb:
>> Some of these sounds simply brought me to other places... they even have
>> a song called 'Mind Travel'. I can't say exactly in what way but
>> listening to the stuff is enlightening.
> Well, the piece is pretty OKayish. good sound, tastfully chosen
> bassriff... loaded another one called blurred thought - nice too, to me
> this goes for feel-OK Ambientstuff - yet it is quite conventional too,
> neither sound nor composition is something never heared before, though
> the mix is highclass at a level, one heares not very often in free
> downloadables.
> And another question aroused, when you browse chillheimer:
> "with Cubase SX and loads of software synthesizers and effects."
> so the fellow is nice and i agree with him, as he talks about
> MusicIndustry but has nothing to do with free Audiosoft let alone with
> Linux...
> Still: as i live in Berlin/germ also i will try to contact him and ask
> him to test the Linux Audio Workstation, i am about to build....;-)
> bets regards
> Z
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> =oy6V
Received on Thu Jun 8 04:15:03 2006
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