i ve a problem with the stability of the opensoundcontroll used in pd.
currently i am running debian 2.6 kernel and pd with the pd-osc_0.1.1_i386.deb
package. pd receives osc realtime data from a imageanalysis programm /eyesweb-
the osc input is frequently crashing ( segmentation fault ).
i tryed out several methods in buffering the data aso.
over time it was crashing again.
it seems that ive to replace the pd-osc pkg with a newer one, but i coulnd
find a good source for debain.
i just found a newer version for ubuntu pd-osc_00.20031105-5_i386.deb
any ideas any links?
pls letmeno.
thank you.
Received on Fri Jun 16 20:15:04 2006
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