hi guys!
due to post-academic stress syndrome (read: i'm getting a real job ;), i
would like to resign from being maintainer of the linux-audio-* lists.
lately i haven't been able to keep up with the lists as much as i would
have liked to, and i feel it's time for new people to take over.
if you'd like to volunteer, holler now :)
i'm leaving on a four-week iceland trip in about a week, and if no-one
has expressed their interest by then, i would be very glad if somebody
could at least step forward to tend to the lists for a month or so...
as an added bonus, there is also the job of cleaning up the old
lad.linuxaudio.org page, throwing out all the obsolete stuff (i.e.
everything except the subscription information and the contrib/ section)
and maybe linking to all the excellent documentation efforts elsewhere :)
i hope to stay in contact with the linux audio community in the future,
and i will definitely do some volunteer work for next year's linux audio
conference in berlin, but my life has moved away from studio work to
live audio engineering, systems administration and (ugh) web content
all the best,
-- jörn nettingsmeier home://germany/45128 essen/lortzingstr. 11/ http://spunk.dnsalias.org phone://+49/201/491621 if you are a free (as in "free speech") software developer and you happen to be travelling near my home, drop me a line and come round for a free (as in "free beer") beer. :-DReceived on Fri Jun 23 00:15:18 2006
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