Lee Revell schrieb:
> On Sat, 2006-06-24 at 20:06 +0200, Klaus Kosten wrote:
>>njcross@email-addr-hidden schrieb:
>>>Yes, I need to transform pitchbend or sustain etc (I can choose) continuous
>>>controller data into midi note data.
>>>The program I've got spews out ctrl data and I want it to send midi note data
>>>instead. There must be a linux program that can do that?
>>I know that such programs exist for other OSīs, even as Freeware, but i
>>donīt know about such a beast for linux. I always wanted to write one,
>>but the ALSA documentation kept me from doing so.
> Here is some more ALSA sequencer documentation:
> http://www.suse.de/~mana/alsa090_howto.html#sect04
> Lee
I knew these already, but I think such a filter is better written using
raw MIDI data, not a sequencer. This seems to be exactly the problem.
--Received on Mon Jun 26 00:15:20 2006
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