2006/6/28, Thorsten Wilms <t_w_@freenet.de>:
> On Wed, Jun 28, 2006 at 10:27:31AM +0200, Arnold Krille wrote:
> > Isn't that cool? There s a new mechanism which allows starting servers
> > like jackd or lashd if they are needed. It is meant to help beginners
> > who don't know how to automate via scripts and don't know about all
> > the different dependencies of the apps and servers.
> > And the only way to make that work is to set a variable either on the
> > console or by editing hidden files in your file-manager. And it
> > involves knowing about shell-scripts.
> > You just gotta love that!
> Well, distributions could take care of that.
Then the packages should already contain a simple snippet to include
into /etc/profile. Distributions will use it for their various ways to
generate /etc/profile...
> But ... do you have any suggestion on how to solve this problem otherwise?
If it is a server that can and should be startet without any
additional arguments, than just start it by default.
If it is good to have certain parameters set (like with jackd) than
try the autostarting if a standard-config is available (via a file)
but don't start it if not. And let there be some ways to define the
standard-config by a gui-only way.
Depending on ENV-Variables is a bad thing imho, because either the
user has to deal with it, which is bad for beginners or the
distribution has to deal with it system-wide, wich is bad for pro's...
Have a nice day,
-- visit http://dillenburg.dyndns.org/~arnold/ --- Wenn man mit Raubkopien Bands wie Brosis oder Britney Spears wirklich verhindern könnte, würde ich mir noch heute einen Stapel Brenner und einen Sack Rohlinge kaufen.Received on Wed Jun 28 16:15:07 2006
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