i wanted to try this, but choosing no matter which mirror on SF, i get
some bad file:
nowhiskey@email-addr-hidden:~/software/nove/gneutr$ tar xvzf gneutronica-0.33.tar.gz
gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: Unerwartetes Dateiende im Archiv.
tar: Unerwartetes Dateiende im Archiv.
tar: Nicht behebbarer Fehler: Programmabbruch.
Stephen Cameron wrote:
>[ANN] Gneutronica-0.33 release
>Homepage: http://gneutronica.sourceforge.net
>source tar.gz: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/gneutronica/gneutronica-0.33.tar.gz?download
>Changes since 0.32
> * Scramble button did not adjust noteoff times -- fixed.
> * Shortened names of buttons at bottom of pattern window.
> * Added a way to transpose melodic patterns up or down.
> * Made the piano notes a little wider
> * Added ability to mute MIDI channels and tracks (in case
> you want to record those parts separately so they may be
> mixed independently later.)
> * Fixed remapping of drumkits to not screw up melodic patterns
> * Fuxed bug that freshly loaded songs didn't have noteoff data
> * Made noteoff get sent when program quits.
>-- steve
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Received on Mon Jul 3 20:15:05 2006
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