Re: [linux-audio-user] swami problems

From: Yves Potin <yves_p@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Jul 24 2006 - 23:58:36 EEST

Le 24 Jul à 21:42, mlist ecrivait:

> At the moment I have two problems:
> - How can I increase the size of the used fonts?

        As far as I understand Swami and soundfonts, you can't. Swami lets
you edit the way samples are transformed in a soft synth, not what they
are. If your sample weights 3k, you can't improve (nor reduce) its

> I can't neither find any hint in the *cfg-Files nor while searching with
> google.
> The fonts are so small that I hardliy can use the program.

        Maybe start searching for fluid soundfont on or
something ?
-rw-r--r-- 1 yves users 142M avr 5 21:49 FluidR3_GM.SF2

> - Fluidsynth doesn't react on events from swami.
> When I connect vkeybd to fluidsynth - all is ok.

        Do you see the green light lit in swami ? If not, I suspect the
bug, or the Debian packager's choice, not to activate fluidsynth support
when building swami. The only solution I have found was to grab the source
and compile it myself, installing tons of normally, in Debian, useless
developpement librairies. It was a couple of months ago and I dont have a
Debian audio system anymore to check if this problem remains in the
package available in testing. This was one strong reason for me to
move to gentoo...

Received on Tue Jul 25 00:15:09 2006

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