[linux-audio-user] Analog mixers with USB connection

From: Ismael Valladolid Torres <ivalladolidt@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Jul 26 2006 - 14:07:26 EEST

As far as I understand, at least a stereo bus is converted to digital
and routed through the USB connection, apparently making very easy to
select signals for recording.

Any comments about whether they're usable with Linux and regarding the
audio quality they offer?

[1]Alesis MultiMix 8USB
[2]Yamaha new USB mixing studios

1. http://www.alesis.com/products/multimix8usb/
2. http://www.macmusic.org/news/view.php/lang/en/id/4024/

Cordially, Ismael

When I grow up I will go there.
Received on Wed Jul 26 20:15:05 2006

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