Re: [linux-audio-user] XMMS and Firefox (or Flash?) not playing along nicely

From: Lee Revell <>
Date: Sat Aug 05 2006 - 03:09:19 EEST

On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 16:57 -0700, Florin Andrei wrote:
> Damn, aoss is not available on Fedora. :-( I had to pull the aoss
> src.rpm from PlanetCCRMA and rebuild it on my system to obtain the
> aoss executable.

You have all alsa-related packages installed? Does Fedora have an
alsa-oss package?

If it's really unavailable that has to be considered a bug. As you have
seen, it's sometimes the only way to make sound work properly!

> But still, my Firefox does not seem to use the FIREFOX_DSP variable,
> either in /etc/firefox/firefoxrc, or in ~/.firefoxrc, or as an
> exported
> variable in the shell that launches Firefox.
> The only way that it works is to launch Firefox like this:

Hmm, it might be a Ubuntu thing. Did /etc/firefox/firefoxrc exist
already, or did you have to create it?

> $ aoss firefox
> Then it works, XMMS and Flash have sound at the same time.
> Is that some kind of compile switch for Firefox, that enables that
> feature, and it's disabled on my distro?

Other people have told me they have no /etc/firefox/firefoxrc. It might
be specific to my distro.

I guess you could just move firefox to firefox-binary or something, then
make /usr/bin/firefox a script that just does "aoss firefox-binary".

But, this is really the kind of thing your distro should handle for you.
File a Fedora bug report.

Received on Sat Aug 5 08:15:03 2006

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