Re: [linux-audio-user] so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible

From: Andrew Lewis <alewis@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Aug 15 2006 - 11:06:43 EEST

Hi all,

So, erm, I've been keeping quiet since I didn't want to cause issues
with people but I see the flamewar has ensued without me... :) So just a
brief word on some issues mentioned:

Yes, disregard for copyright is bad... It's far from the worst thing in
the world though. :p And from a cause/effect perspective the impact of
posting that remix could only be:

A) people hate the artists now cz they associate them w that crap i made
B) people become interested in those artists = good?
C) people hear the track without knowing who the original artists are

Really I don't see anything worse than (A) or (C) happening as a result
of this. Maybe I'm missing something?

This track was never intended for wide distribution in any case... Just
some throw-away stuff.... :| I'm not trying to make a career out of
this... :p

I think it's upsetting that some-one like Ron would want to leave the
list over one or two subscribers flagrant attitudes toward copyright...
For his peace of mind, I have removed the material...

WRT remixes as a form of musical expression, yes it's crummy, no it's
not completely invalid, and no, it doesn't have to suck either....

> A problem is that "digital musicians" who violate copyrights as a rule
> return nothing.

That seems a very strange assumption to make:

--- Enough of this banter ---

--- And now for a completely different type of banter ---

I still haven't managed to get GDAM (cvs version) to work (in terms of
making sound when I play the turntables). Last release doesn't build,
which seems to have been the case in Gentoo-land for a while. :\ Bit put
off by the stagnancy of this project... Still investigating some other
toys... Is anyone here using a sampler in Rosegarden? I've had issues
getting it to talk to Chionic.... :( Not having a usable sampler has
been my only gripe with Rosegarden... LMMS works, is rather nice, and is
getting better, but I'm not ready to use it just yet... ;) PureData
looks very interesting, if a bit complex: I'd like to investigate it
thoroughly, dunno how much of an obstacle my n00bish'ness will be - I've
just had to look up how to identify my ALSA MIDI devices (now hopefully
I can actually make ALSA MIDI work this afternoon :p) - been using JACK
MIDI until now, which is terribly easy.

I don't really need anything terribly complex. on Windoze I was using
SoundClub: which is
super-simplistic slightly limited freeware, with some good results: (all songs except 'notalldogs'
made with SoundClub).

Next post will be mind-blowing actual original linux music, promise. :p

Received on Tue Aug 15 12:15:01 2006

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