Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: Music: Ringheims Auto - "Kanskje No"]

From: Hartmut Noack <zettberlin@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 17 2006 - 20:33:56 EEST

Hash: SHA1

Chris McCormick schrieb:
> Sometimes a clap is just a clap, but some producers spend hours and
> hours hand crafting (pun intended) clap sounds. Production can be an
> artform in and unto itself. I am sure there are producers out there who
> would be ticked off if you used their delicately constructed clap sound
> without their permission. ;)

I know this phenomenon, i have spend houres my self to adjust
insufficient equipment to quench out the most adequate sound out of it.

Still i believe, that it can be OK to use such small pieces of a
recording do
something new and maybe incredible and i would not easily stand to miss
great tracks made by artists using such material maybe because they lack
the resources to record the needed sound themselfs.
Furthermore, if someone got the class to remember and to mention the
original recording of wich his track is build upon, he/she should have
the privilege to do so whithout express permission.
Plus: J.M. Ringheim increased the glory of Rick James by using/mentioning
his work to do something new, that is indeed honorable and should not be
lessened by being too stern about licensing.

best regards

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