Re: [linux-audio-user] autotune in ardour

From: Lee Revell <>
Date: Mon Sep 18 2006 - 23:08:58 EEST

On Mon, 2006-09-18 at 21:57 +0200, Atte Andr� Jensen wrote:
> Tim Howard wrote:
> > Look up the LADSPA plugin, "phase-vocoder based pitch shifter" (or
> > something like that), which does a quite good job at very slight
> > tuning adjustments. It is completely manual, though, so you have to
> > edit the plugin automation in Ardour for best results.
> So it could be called "manualtune"? :-)
> Well (as I mentioned) I've never used any autotune, but was hoping for a
> magical "make my singing in tune" plugin. I'm affraid too much efford
> won't be worth it, since we're strictly talking demoing a melody for
> real singer to record...

I asked this question on the list a while back and the consensus was
that such a thing does not exist.

Received on Tue Sep 19 12:15:09 2006

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