Last night I was playing around with Native Instruments' FM7, running it
under WINE with Robert Reif's ASIO driver. I noticed that it will accept
raw sysex banks, so I decided to build Simple Sysexxer to see if I could
get my custom banks from my TX802. No problem, I transferred the bank
sysex to SS. I then tried to import the bank into FM7. Again, no
problems. How nice, I can now use and edit my old favorite patches in FM7.
Alas, FM7 seems to accept only the data utilized by the original DX7,
i.e. it skips the performance data unique to the DX7II/TX802. Still,
most of my patches were identifiable, and I think I can get almost
identical sounds with a little parameter tweaking.
Christoph, thanks for the useful tool. It built without troubles and
performed as advertised. :)
Received on Tue Oct 24 16:15:03 2006
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