Hi all! Thank you very much for your replies, I really appreciate the
amount of support here. First off, sorry about the harsh tone towards
Zyn; I was lured into jumping to conclusions in order avoid taking blame
for the instability. Reinvestigating, I found:
* I was running Zyn at 96kHz as an experimentally and somehow switched
my mindset to 'production'.
* I was running ardour on the side (I was going to do my live mixing
with it)
* There was a DJ flanger running in ardour.
* I was running a drum kit with six sub-patches, a synth bass and a
synth guitar.
Toning down Jack to 44.1 kHz and using Jack-Rack for vocal effects
instead of ardour gave me a workable solution for live use.
I was able to test this solution for twelve hours by visiting my
girlfriend 'to say goodnight and leave again' without turning the
sequencer off. When returning (of course) the next morning I was
surprised to see not a single XRun.
This didn't quite work for recording, but to get the Synth into ardour I
managed to get by by increasing the buffer size to 4/1024.
So one could consider this matter resolved and suggest to myself a dual
4GHz AMD box to fulfill my dream of performing live with Zyn at 96kHz.
I would like to see some movement on Zyn though; specifically, it would
be nice to see the Zyn components converted to LADSPA plugins or DSSI
components for use in patchable synths.
Thanks again to everyone for your concern and helpfulness!
Received on Wed Oct 25 20:15:10 2006
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