[linux-audio-user] Re: Re: LightScribe and linux

From: Kjetil S. Matheussen <k.s.matheussen@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Dec 05 2006 - 05:50:33 EET

Cesare Marilungo:
> Tommi Sakari Uimonen wrote:
>>>>> I mean big hardware manufacturers releasing open source drivers.
>>>> Is > there any?
>>>> AFAICT Intel are somehow tied to a group (maybe directly) which
>>>> works on
>>>> Xorg drivers for Intel GFX hardware. Are Intel big enough ? :)
>>> Somehow :-) . Maybe directly ;-) .
>> http://intellinuxgraphics.org
>> Tommi
> Ok, but even intel still releases most of their driver as binary only
> (e.g. for chips used in wireless cards, modems). Why?

I don't have this impression of intel. Do you have any references to
intel releasing "most of their drivers as binary only"?

(maybe the do for windows, but that might just be because of tradition.)
Received on Tue Dec 5 08:15:05 2006

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