Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: Squeak (was Software suitable for children)

From: Cesare Marilungo <cesare@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Dec 11 2006 - 22:02:53 EET

Cesare Marilungo wrote:
> David Baron wrote:
>> Just installed it. A very creative but frustrating package. As with
>> too many of these things, one must be able to read and that in
>> English (or a few European languages?). Fine print abounds in what at
>> first looks like a very sparse UI.
>> The program abounds with objects and widgets. Some very creative and
>> versatile, others frustratingly crude. Graphic objects like squares
>> cannot be resized (nothing stops one from reprogramming them and then
>> dutifully uploading the scalable versions for others to
>> enjoy--smalltalk was once the rage.)
>> Smalltalk 80 is, well, 26 years old. Before Unicode so is
>> incompatable with mutlingual keyboard choices. No Hebrew for my
>> daughter, not in UI and cannot type it in to text objects either.
>> Truetype fonts (newer than smalltalk80) are beatutiful but they are
>> also Unicode based nowadays.
>> I think most kids would enjoy trying various widgets but run out of
>> patience doing anything more with them. Most adults would as well.
>> A model (allbeit not an audio app) for a program sutiable for
>> children but versatile enough to be of interest to their parents as
>> well: Tuxpaint. This one is superb and is also in use in many
>> schools. (Also needs more languages in the UI!)
> Apart from Alan Kay himself
> (, take a
> look at the Viewpoint Research Board of Advisors:
> John Perry Barlow, Vint Cerf, Richard Dawkins, Doug Engelbart, Marvin
> Minsky, Nicholas Negroponte, Seymour Papert and so on.
> Doesn't any of these names ring a bell? Anyway, at VR, they're using
> and continuing the development of squeak.
> Did you know that you're making ridicule of a big chunk of the history
> of informatics?
> Ciao,
> c.
Sorry. I've been harsh in my reply, with no true reasons to do so.

I should have just said that maybe you've to give it another try. Or
investigate a bit more on the project.

Sorry again.


Received on Tue Dec 12 00:15:59 2006

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