Re: [linux-audio-user] EQ settings for enhanced presence

From: Ismael Valladolid Torres <ivalladolidt@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Dec 12 2006 - 11:17:41 EET

Chris McCormick escribe:
> Sounds like you want to increase the 'loudness' without increasing the
> peak of the waves beyond their maximum. I am definately no expert in
> audio but when I want to make drums sound louder without increasing their
> overall waveform amplitude, I use a Puredata patch to do waveshaping. This
> distorts the waveform, stretching it upwards so that there is more
> power/energy under the wave but the peaks of the wave are the same. I
> think that this is actually a form of compression, but as I said, I'm
> no expert.

Heavy compression is more or less on itself a form of distortion.

Cordially, Ismael

Ismael Valladolid Torres     m. +34679156321  j. ivalladt@email-addr-hidden

Received on Tue Dec 12 12:15:02 2006

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