Re: [linux-audio-user] Qsynth and .sf2 drum kits

From: Rui Nuno Capela <rncbc@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Dec 15 2006 - 02:15:02 EET

Esa Linna wrote:
> Josh Lawrence kirjoitti:
>> On 12/14/06, Esa Linna <esa.linna@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>>> And another question: is there a way to convert sf2 to gig?
>> If you're referring to getting the NS kit in gig format, just download
>> it:
> Thanks but no, I already got that. I would like to
> 1. convert sf2 files to gig
> 2. make Qsynth and sf2 -drum kits work that I could play midi drum pads,
> with right sounds for right pads

I don't know about that specific soundfont, but you could try looking
into Qsynth's Channels presets, tweak and save as soon as it works :)

Maybe you have to change something on your drumpad setup, regarding MIDI
note/keys mapping to fit the one of the soundfont. Remember that each
pad most certainly emits one MIDI note event over the wire when
triggered. Check which MIDI channel and note (key) are being sent and
make it fit to the ones that your soundfont bank/program preset is
rendering. It might just be a matter of some trial-and-error :))

Some MIDI event monitoring might be of help too (e.g. amidi)


rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
Received on Fri Dec 15 04:15:03 2006

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