Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: Attracting more Linux audio developers

From: Rob <lau@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Dec 15 2006 - 23:40:00 EET

On Friday 15 December 2006 10:31, Carlo Capocasa wrote:
> This is an intermediate plan on the way to my vision of a
> society where money is no longer necessary because people
> trust they will be able to sustain themselves and work for the
> satisfaction of accomplishing what they want to.

The problem with utopian visions is that they almost never take
into account the people who want to accomplish nothing more than
having a beer and watching American Idol. And I have known A
LOT of people like that, sadly enough.

Received on Sat Dec 16 00:15:06 2006

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