Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: integrating fst support into 64studio vesion of Denian

From: Jon H <october001@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Jan 03 2007 - 20:45:16 EET

Yup, I believe Lee is correct.

32bit VSTi's won't run in a 64bit wine enviroment. There are ways to do it
though, I believe, including working inside a 32bit chroot'd sandbox (google
for it) containing 32bit binaries and libs but if you are going to jump
through that many flaming hoops you might as well just install a 32bit linux
in the first place. Don't feel bad about doing that either. I run an AMD
64 with a 64bit debian for trying stuff out and messing around and a 32bit
debian just for music production.


Jon Hoskins

On 1/2/07, rshiflet@email-addr-hidden <rshiflet@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I am new to this group so I hope this question makes sense and is not too
> elementary, but I really need help. I have loaded the 64 studio OS on to my
> PC and have now added wine from codeweavers. My problem is when I try to use
> my Native Instruments B4 organ program it loads but I cannot connect in
> Jack.
> Maybe FST is the missing link. Can anyone explain what I should do? I am
> already way past my limited knowledge of Linux and could desperately use the
> help.
> If I need fst is there a place I can download it. I have never compiled
> anything, hope that will not be necessary.
> Linux Sampler is working great for me. Can't wait till LS 4.0 is
> integrated!
> Richard Shiflet
Received on Thu Jan 4 16:15:02 2007

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