Paul Davis wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-01-05 at 11:12 -0800, Russell Hanaghan wrote:
>> I have, for the first time, set up FD5 and CCRMA for a look see. I like
>> how it all works and the RT kernel runs sweet and gives very low Xrun
>> free latency. My only curiosity is that Redhat seem to be not interested
>> in pushing the mp3 licensing envelope. Xmms and Amarok wont play my
>> extensive list of MP3's citing Redhat does not support the format due to
>> said licensing issues.
>> Other than building from source, are there any players out there that do
>> support MP3 under FC5?
> just add livna to your repository list (google for it), and you'll be
> good to go. i use fc5 with mp3's all the time. the fact that RH/Fedora
> "Core" doesn't support it doesn't mean that Fedora cannot.
> --p
Thanks much and also for Brad's subsequent reply.
Received on Sat Jan 6 00:15:04 2007
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