Re: [linux-audio-user] status of ams

From: Dave Phillips <dlphillips@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jan 07 2007 - 17:22:13 EET

Fons Adriaensen wrote:

>Dave, do you think there is a place for a softsynth that would be
>modular but with a fixed set of modules, everyhing controlled from
>one window, no patch cables, only 'hardware controls' such as
>sliders and switches, each one assignable to MIDI, and of course
>uncompromising audio quality ?
>In other words a synth that would be easy to use and optimised for
>'live' work, sort of a MiniMoog on steroids ? Polyphonic of course but
>not multi-timbral - just start two or three of them if you need that.
Sure, the more the merrier. :)

But perhaps Nick Dowell's amSynth already comes close to your suggested
design ? Its GUI certainly got spiffier recently. :)

Current Csound5 is also capable of such designs, examples are already
available with FLTK interfaces, but of course you must know how to
program Csound.

A question for Frank: Can Pd's wiring be made invisible for a finished
patched ? Even with subpatching I get some real rat's nests onscreen.


Received on Sun Jan 7 20:15:02 2007

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