Hi Rene,
we wrote a bash script for APODIO http://www.apodio.org
you could use jackd & record straight with this script/ecasound in ogg
on your HD... it's quite useful when you have big files to record and to
put it straight on the web
# simple jack ogg recorder with ecasound
# bretzel@email-addr-hidden
# copyright (C) 2005 $apo33
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
title="ecasound recorder / 1 Ctrl-C to stop and 2nd Ctrc-C to exit"
ask_chnl="nbr of channel ex :2"
ask_quality="Ogg/Vorbis compression quality (1)"
ask_buff="working buffer"
ask_resample="Ogg/Vorbis bitrate ? "
ask_name="name in the stream file ?"
ask_go="GO ! or Exit "
ask_ices="Yes = new client
Last = reload the last one
killOne = kill an old one
KillAll = kill all ices client
Exit = ... exit"
nodir_msg="no directory or not writable, we use /tmp"
warning_gogo="Select the command zone before !"
case $LANG in
title="Enregistreur simple en Ogg/vorbis pour jack"
title="ecasound enregistreur/1 Ctrl-C stop et 2eme Ctrc-C sortir"
ask_chnl="nbr de canaux ex :2"
ask_quality="Qualite de compression Ogg/Vorbis (1)"
ask_resample="Bitrate pour un resample Ogg/Vorbis ? "
ask_buff="bffer de travail "
ask_name="nom du fichier Ogg ?"
ask_go="GO ! ou Sortir "
ask_ices="Yes = Nouveau client
Last = Relancer le dernier
killOne = Tuer un clients ices
killAll = Tuer tout les clients ices
Exit = Sortir"
nodir_msg="pas de repertoire ou non autorise on prend /tmp"
warning_gogo="Selectionez la zone de commande!"
path_name=`zenity --entry --entry-text="$PATH_NAME" --title="$title"
if [ ! -d "$path_name" ] || [ ! -w "$path_name" ];then
zenity --info --text="$nodir_msg"
cd $path_name
FINAME=`date "+%F_%k%M"`.ogg
name=`zenity --entry --entry-text="$FINAME" --title="$title"
if [ -z "$name" ] ;then name=`date "+%F_%k%M_$$"`.ogg;fi
touch $name
if [ -f $name ];then FINAME=$name;fi
if [ ! -f $name ];then
REP=`ls -d .`
zenity --info --text="$nodir_msg $REP"
channels=`zenity --title="$title" --list --radiolist --column="Nbr"
--column="$ask_chnl" FALSE "1" TRUE "2" FALSE "3" FALSE "4" `
buffer=`zenity --title="$title" --list --radiolist --column="Nbr"
--column="$ask_buff" FALSE "64" FALSE "128" TRUE "512" FALSE "1024"
FALSE "4096"`
quality=`zenity --height=300 --title="$title" --list --radiolist
--column="" --column="$ask_quality" FALSE "u8" FALSE "s16_le" TRUE
"s16_be" FALSE "s24_le" FALSE "s24_be" FALSE "s32_le" FALSE "s32_be"
FALSE "f32_le" FALSE "f32_be" `
resample=`zenity --height=250 --title="$title" --list --radiolist
--column="" --column="$ask_resample" FALSE "11025" FALSE "22050" TRUE
"44100" FALSE "44800" `
if [ -z "$buffer" ] ;then buffer=512 ;fi
if [ -z "$quality" ] ;then quality=s16 ;fi
if [ -z "$channels" ] ;then channels=2 ;fi
if [ -z "$resample" ] ;then resample=44100 ;fi
ecasound -b:buffer -i jack_alsa -f:quality,channel,sample -o Filename
script="cd $path_name;
ecasound -b:"$buffer" -i jack_alsa -f:"$quality","$channels","$resample"
gogo=`zenity --list --editable --text "$usage" --column="streaming
script" "$script"`
if [ ! "$gogo" ] ; then zenity --warning --text "$warning_gogo";exit 1 ; fi
echo "$gogo" > /tmp/gogo$$
echo "read bidon" >> /tmp/gogo$$
/usr/X11R6/bin/rxvt -e "sh /tmp/gogo$$"
rm -rf /tmp/gogo$$
> greetings,
> got a peculiar problem for the list...
> we're trying to set up a website to record and upload roughly hour
> long audio to for streaming. we'd be interested in any ready to go
> solutions if anyone can recommmend any but if we need to build our own
> we'd prefer to use linux.
> what we'd need is a linux box with a really simple interface to
> start/stop recording, then maybe automatically trim silence off the
> end of the file and upload it to a web server in a format ready for
> streaming.
> any advice on ways to go about this would be greatly appreciated.
> what we'd most likely do is have a web-interface for some perl scripts
> which would then control some command line apps like ecasound.
> any advice greatly appreciated,
> rene.
Received on Mon Jan 8 00:15:05 2007
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.8 : Mon Jan 08 2007 - 00:15:05 EET