[linux-audio-user] Re: lists.linuxaudio.org migration complete, time to consolidate LAD/LAU/LAA?

From: Marc-Olivier Barre <mobarre@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Jan 16 2007 - 12:42:33 EET

On 1/15/07, Ivica Ico Bukvic <ico@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> FWIW, you can set up the listserv so that it simply discards stuff from
> unsubscribed posters. This would fix LAA as well and as such it seems to me
> like a reasonable compromise since spammers in most cases are not subscribed
> to the list and if a poster really wants to post on a particular list they
> might as well subscribe to it.
> I am sure there may be some who would disagree with this kind of a policy
> and thus I think it is ultimately up to you to decide what you deem best
> solution/compromise.

Yes I did think about this. The best solution would be a slight
modification to the listserv to be able to filter things out based on
the subject line. Most people posting on the list add an [ANN] header
to their mail, which is a good practice and could lead to
auto-acceptation of there mail. spamassassin adds a *** JUNK MAIL ***
header which could lead to an auto-reject. The rest could be subject
to moderation with the possibility to feed new emails to spamassassin
to make it's filtering more accurate.

I would be surprised if no one ever thought about that... It's about
the same work flow as in a email client running some smart spam filter
(Thunderbird for instance).

Marc-Olivier Barre,
Received on Tue Jan 16 16:15:02 2007

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