Josh Lawrence a écrit :
> Hello all,
> I need the ability to generate very small pieces of musical notation
> for instructional purposes. For example, I need to show the student a
> particular chord or voicing; I would like for this program to be
> gui-controlled so I can open up a 1 bar grand staff, stack whole
> notes, and export that to some image format to be included in text or
> on the web.
> I've worked with Lilypond, and while it is amazing and very powerful,
> it is too powerful and complex for my needs. At one time there was a
> simple gui front-end to Lilypond, but I think it is no longer
> maintained. Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Thank you,
I dont know if this suits your need but GSharp may do the job. This is
the emacs of musical notation.
Guillaume Meurisse
Received on Fri Jan 26 20:15:03 2007
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