Re: [linux-audio-user] Nmmm nmmm (yawn) - updated

From: Folderol <folderol@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jan 28 2007 - 23:31:50 EET

On Sat, 27 Jan 2007 10:32:28 +0100
Atte André Jensen <atte.jensen@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> Folderol wrote:
> > I tried a flute originally but it was too smooth and got buried
> > by the other instruments later on.
> How are the different instruments panned? By placing instruments
> different places in the stereo image, you can really make them come out
> without turning everything up. In a way you could say they're not
> fighting for the same space in the stereo image.

While I take your point about using stereo positioning to enhance the
music, I would never use it to assist instrument balance. Indeed I
make a point of listening in mono as a final check.

Our listeners may be using a small portable, or moving from room to
room while using our music as background, so it should sound good with
all instruments as clear as possible under these conditions.

I've made a few more adjustments to it, and think it is now in its final
form. While maybe not technically ideal, I think it works well. The deep
chimes have been softened and some timing errors in the 'choir' have
been put right, along with a general balancing of levels.

The melody can be heard clearly all the way through, and some descant
note clashes have been corrected.

As before:

Will J G
Received on Mon Jan 29 00:15:07 2007

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