James Stone hat gesagt: // James Stone wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 29, 2007 at 02:41:44PM +0100, Frank Barknecht wrote:
> > Hallo,
> > Gavin Stevens hat gesagt: // Gavin Stevens wrote:
> >
> > > Don't forget that Ubuntu is based on Debian "unstable".
> >
> > Is it? I was under the impression that the packages in Ubuntu that
> > were directly taken from Debian, were more of the testing flavour.
> No, definately based primarily on Debian SID (how else would the
> Ubuntu packages be so bleeding edge??).
Well, Ubuntu packages aren't always that bleeding edge in my
experience. When I was running Ubuntu on my laptop (which now has been
converted to plain Debian again, thank god), a number of the packages
I use, notably blackbox, were actually lagging behind Debian testing
and had bugs that were already fixed in Debian testing. I apt-got them
from the respective Debian testing packages.
But probably it's not really sensible to compare Ubuntu and Debian
just from the release numbers. You're right: According to
http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship Ubuntu indeed is based on a
snapshop of Debian unstable. But then it forks off while going for a
release. In the remaining time both trees will become out of sync, and
that may happen in both directions as it happend for my beloved
blackbox: Debian's unstable version moved on, was fixed and entered
testing while Ubuntu's snapshot-version was still from the older
snapshot. Maybe blackbox wasn't that important to Ubuntu at that time.
-- Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__Received on Tue Jan 30 16:15:01 2007
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