Re: [Freebob-devel] [linux-audio-user] FA-66, slackware, freebob, thinkpad R40 - cracks on recordings

From: Jouni Rinne <jouni.rinne@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Jan 31 2007 - 16:23:49 EET

carmen kirjoitti:
> On Wed Jan 31, 2007 at 08:02:34AM +0100, Pieter Palmers wrote:
>> Jonathan Woithe wrote:
>>>>> Slackware 10.2
>>>>> uname -r 2.6.13
>>>> Should it be possible, maybe consider switching to a more audio friendly distro...
>>> There's nothing wrong with Slackware for audio work - it's what I do all my
>>> development on. Slackware + "low latency desktop kernel" + set_rlimits (+ rtprio for slower machines) is about all you need to get a very nice
>>> Slackware-based setup for audio. However, let's not get into a distro war -
>>> use whatever works well for you. :-)
>> I shouldn't have said that. I spoke without knowledge. Sorry.
> isnt the author of Slackware diametrically opposed to PAM. and isnt PAM necessary for non-root users to properly use realtime priority?

Speaking from experience, Slackware is one of the best distros if you are going
to install lots of stuff from sources. Rpm- and deb-based distros inevitably,
sooner or later, tend to throw themselves lying on their backs and start to
whimper if you do that.

Lack of PAM support can be seen as a drawback, or, then again, not. Personally
I share Patrick Volkerding's (main developer of Slackware) opinion about PAM,
and as a result built my Gentoo system without PAM support.

"ex-slacker, current gentooist" Jouni Rinne

| me@email-addr-hidden ~$whoami            ^ ^  | "Trust me, I know what I'm doing!" |
| Jouni 'Mad Max' Rinne      ('x') | - Sledge Hammer                    |
| me@email-addr-hidden ~$man woman       C " "  | -------[ph34r t3h p3Ngu1n]-------- |
| Segmentation fault (core dumped) | :: user ID: l33tmmx   :: |
Received on Wed Jan 31 20:15:01 2007

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