On Fri, Dec 08, 2006 at 09:22:02PM -0500, Ivica Ico Bukvic wrote:
> FWIW, I have been thinking about organizing LAC in US once my fundraising
> for the studio/infrastructure is complete and the studio reaches a
> relatively stable state. I would also love to see more connections between
> Linuxaudio.org and LAC but that obviously is not entirely up to me.
(appologies for the late response ... I'm plowing through many months of
old mail here.)
Ico, should this (LAC-Hokie?) happen in future years you can count on me
to help with streaming it. Blacksburg is a much shorter trip from
Arlington than Berlin. ;) (not that I mind going to Berlin, at all)
-ERic Rz.
Received on Thu Feb 1 08:15:02 2007
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