On Friday 02 February 2007, Matt Price wrote:
> definitely noticed some improvements usintg the lowlatency kernel, but
> it's all still not very good. This really does surprise, me, so I'm
> wondering what adjustments I might try to make to my setup to improve
> jack's performance, and with it, the performance of either traverso or
> ardour2. I've been messing around with jack options, esp. the --period
> option (made it as high as I could, 4096) and the -s option (without it
The -s option just suppresses xrun warnings. The xruns are still there.
> I get lots and lots and LOTS of xruns). I think that both of these help
Please show us the startup output [until the xrun messages start] of
jackd -R -d alsa
-- Palimm Palimm! http://tapas.affenbande.orgReceived on Sat Feb 3 00:15:03 2007
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