On Fri, 2007-02-02 at 21:44 +0000, rob wrote:
> Matt Price wrote:
> > that the fact that it's a cheap intel_hda sound card wouldn't matter
> > that much.
> <snip>
> > I usually run jackd from the commandline thus:
> >
> > /usr/bin/jackd -R -dalsa -dhw:0
> >
> Did you try 3 periods, 48kHz?
ah, no, I didn't understand what periods were, I guess, so I didn't try
that option. 48k appears to bethe default sampling rate, but -n3 fixes
the problem -- in fact there are no xruns at all once I add that switch.
yay! I do get a message in jackd:
delay of 20690.000 usecs exceeds estimated spare time of 20672.000;
restart ...
but no errors as a result. so htanks to everyone!
So now ardour works great. strangely, though, traverso produces no
sound at all with the jackd driver. Not sure whether that was the case
before and I was just remembering things wrong when I sent that last
email... Anyway wondered whether anyone else had experienced that and
whow they'd fixed it.
also wondering if there's a general guide to integrating jack into the
everyday running of my laptop, hwich I use for lots of stuff besides
digital editing -- all kinds of writing and research, and also just
playing tunes. would be nice not to have to start and stop jack every
time I want to use amarok... but that's more of a wishlist item really.
thanks again,
> R
-- Matt Price History Dept University of Toronto matt.price@email-addr-hidden
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