Am Samstag, 3. Februar 2007 02:47 schrieb Ken Restivo:
> I looked at this and went, huh?
> At first glance, it looks like a closed, commercial, aggressively
> copy-protected clone of ZynAddSubFX (with a much slicker GUI)?
Urs Heckmann is a talented and creative sounddesigner / developer and does not
need to clone some buggy linux stuff....
> Wish there were a way to approach all the talented hackers who are
> unfortunately wasting their time working on trying to crack it, and instead
> get them a copy of the Zyn source, to revamp it from scratch and make it
> RT-safe.
> -ken
-- ProAudio for openSUSE LinuxReceived on Sat Feb 3 12:15:01 2007
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