I normally record my tracks in mhwaveedit, specimen and zyn is routed
through ardour, and ardours master is connected to the input of mhwaveedit.
However for no apparent reason, after about a minute of recording I get
a bunch of these "mhWaveEdit: Over/underrun in JACK driver" and
mhwaveedits peak goes wild and from there on the recording is garbage. I
tried with two different projects one has hardly changed since last time
(where it worked as usual), same result. I didn't change anything,
didn't do a dist upgrade. Any idea what could have happened?
BTW: The system is 1.6G mobile laptop (ibm) running debian/unstable and
2.6.18-rt7. The projects typically have 10-15 audio tracks in ardour +
5-10 tracks in zyn. The cpu usage when running the smaller project is
about 20%.
-- peace, love & harmony Atte http://www.atte.dk | quintet: http://www.anagrammer.dk | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositionsReceived on Sat Feb 3 16:15:01 2007
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