Re: [linux-audio-user] Which distribution? (Used to be DeMuDi)

From: Larry Troxler <lt@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Feb 04 2007 - 17:55:47 EET

On Sun, 4 Feb 2007, Asbj�rn S�b� wrote:

> Hi, and sorry for the newbie-ish subject.
> I have mostly been away from Linux audio for the most part of a year,
> and things seems to have changed during that time. So, now I am
> wondering where to pick up.
> DeMuDi, the distribution which I used to use, seems to have little
> activity. Is is maintained in such a way that it is sensible to go with
> it again? And if not so, what other suggestions do you have for a
> distribution for audio work? (Studio64 is out of the question, as I
> have no 64-bit hardware.) Simple low-latency setup is appreciated, as
> is something Debian-based and quite up-to-date.
> With kind regards
> Asbj�rn S�b�

64 studio.

This is timely because I just went through this less than a month ago; the
new machine I installed on still has that "new computer" smell.

I went through the same issues with demudi. Even the web site domain
lapsed while I was experimenting with it!

As you'll hear, 64 studio runs on 32 bit machines as well.

Until I asked on this list, I too rejected 64 studio, but for a different
reason. I was looking for a PC that could be used as a gig synthesiser, in
that the primary requirement was to be trimmed down and tuned without
mercy for low latency, even if it ment expected features on a desktop were
missing. And the 64 studio web site seemed to advertise it more as a
studio distribution (surprise), rather than a tiny performance one.

But my fears were unfounded. I was initially concerned that 64 studio
enabled automount by default, for example. But, it could be that DeMuDi
did as well - I really think that there is not much difference between the
two distros, other than the most important one that 64 studio seems more
actively maintained . Some I noticed:

- I was impressed when I first started the DeMuDi desktop and the jack was
up an running, with a qjackctl access button on the panel. This was a nice

- Slightly different set of apps.

Received on Sun Feb 4 20:15:04 2007

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