On Thu Feb 08, 2007 at 11:56:05PM -0500, Dan Easley wrote:
> are there any facilities on linux to create cart chunks within a wave file?
> <http://cartchunk.org:8080/>
> i'd love to be able to add cart chunk metadata to a wave file from a
> command line. it would save my butt at work. i haven't been able to
> find anything via google.
go back to the original AIF and WAV specs. youll find stuff about the metadata chunks.
imo, its nasty. some players dont even recognize them and you get an audible blip where the metadata is.
~id proably use a seperate OPML file or something. or rather an OPML-esque schema in RDF, but you get the idea..
or are you saying your broadcast software requires the chunks to be in the wav file? in that case, maybe check rivendel or something
> --
> daneasley@email-addr-hidden
> dan@email-addr-hidden dan@email-addr-hidden
> http://towndowner.com http://burntpossum.com
Received on Fri Feb 9 08:15:02 2007
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