On Tue Feb 13, 2007 at 02:37:00PM -0500, Nathan Curry wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm working with some guys, and we're looking for a way to
> collaboratively record remotely. The application I'm looking for is:
> 1. Multitracking
> 2. Cross-platform, at least Win/Mac (I use Win and Linux, some use
> Mac, some use Windows.)
> 3. Compressed audio files so we can send it easily.
> Does anyone have any ideas?
im going to go out on a limb and say nothing. please correct me if something has popped up recently that changes the situation.
ardour, with a libsndfile version that supports flac+ogg might work, providing it can write back to compressed formats as transparently as it can read from them.
...but ardour doesn't work on MSFT
samplitude allows the setting of the default format to any ACM codec. this means you can record straight to flac, in theory
...last i tried this, the fLAC ACM codec was causing samplitude to freeze, and it was being blamed on FLAC not being a properly written ACm codec
...plus samplitude only runs on windows
...plus flac doesnt support 32bit float format, so you'll get some truncation, if you care
ableton is out
...as it decodes flacs to tempfiles on disk, and afaik can't record straight to them
...doubt it. unless it changed in 4
not sure exactly why you asked the list if you want it to run on mac and win and dont really care if it runs on linux...
iow, maybe you want to just share your drives over NFS/samba and use transport or fs-layer compression. or zip up the projects...~
> Audacity is close, and I would prefer not to have to use JACK on the
> Windows/Mac clients. But something that's a pain to set up is better
> than something that's a pain to work with. :-)
> Thanks,
> Nathan
Received on Wed Feb 14 08:15:02 2007
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