Atte André Jensen <atte.jensen@email-addr-hidden> writes:
> The only instance of lv2.h I found on my computer are the ones listed above!
> atte@email-addr-hidden:~/software/zynjacku/zyn$ ls *.h
> addnote.h filter_base.h lv2-midifunctions.h
> addsynth.h filter.h lv2-miditype.h
> addsynth_internal.h filter_parameters.h lv2plugin.h
> analog_filter.h formant_filter.h oscillator.h
> common.h globals.h resonance.h
> Controller.h lfo.h sv_filter.h
> envelope.h lfo_parameters.h util.h
> envelope_parameters.h list.h zynadd.h
> fft_wrapper.h log.h zynadd_internal.h
> atte@email-addr-hidden:~/software/zynjacku/zyn$ ls *.c
> log.c lv2plugin.c util.c zynadd.c zynadd_dynparam.c
I think I found the problem. Fixed in revision 73. Please tell me if
that fixes the problem for you. Thank you for the feedback so far.
-- Nedko Arnaudov <GnuPG KeyID: DE1716B0>
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