sevol wrote:
> Pieter Palmers wrote:
>> Can you put these two files in the same directory, and run the
>> script as follows:
>> (as root)
>> # ./freebob_debug_log username verbose.log > out.log
>> then send me the verbose.log and out.log files.
>> You can also try and take a look at the out.log file, it will most
>> likely indicate the problems.
> Hi Pieter,
> Thanks for responding. However, I must be a little stupider than I
> thought because bash say *No such file or directory* when I enter your
> input. & it keeps saying it no matter where I put the two files or what
> directory I cd to. So, I can't give you the logs because there are none
> to give you.
there are two things you can do:
run it with bash:
# bash ./ username verbose.log > out.log
or make it executable first:
# chmod a+x
# ./ username verbose.log > out.log
two notes:
1) I made a mistake in the command line I wrote in the previous mail: I
forgot the .sh suffix. The correct line is
# ./ username verbose.log > out.log
2) replace 'username' in the command line with the username of the user
that is going to run the audio applications (most likely your own username)
Received on Wed Feb 21 16:15:05 2007
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