On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 11:45:34PM +0100, Robin Gareus wrote:
> > - Do you export once in the end, or do you do tests in
> > between?
> export once when finished; then usually bounce the same with different
> export-options..
That's what I have been doing, too.
> Sometimes there's a preliminary mixdown or rare "exchange-exports"
> (bounce all tracks and re-import as new project)
Please explain why and how.
> > - Do you work with stereo and/or multi-channel?
> stereo and 5.1 (in my case: 6 mono output tracks)
Do you create both stereo and 6 x mono from the same sessions?
How do you go about creating 6 mono output tracks?
Do you see an alternative to 6 mono output tracks?
> > - Wishlist items?
> It would be nice to have an export mode to glue mastered [ardour]
> sessions together for making seamless continuously playing CDs of
> separate song-sessions! (select overlay/x-fade tracks? , graphical cue
> edit ?, no more hand-tweaking .toc files!) - there's surely some
> software to aid that purpose already that you can build on.
So basically it would start with chaining a bunch of mixdowns?
Don't you need a timeline and all the options given by Ardour's editor?
> Also it would be great if the A/V offset could be (optionally) written
> in the file's header when exporting eg. WAV files. - I've made a similar
> feat. request on ardour-dev and there's something already in the queue
> for importing file's offsets - but that's not due before the
> post-MIDI-merge.
There's a standard for A/V offsets in WAV headers?
What would be needed on the GUI side, format, number of digits ...?
Thank you. Thanks also to everyone who replied so far!
I hope there will be more :)
-- Thorsten WilmsReceived on Tue Feb 27 12:15:06 2007
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