Jan Weil wrote:
> Am Montag, den 26.02.2007, 19:18 +0100 schrieb Pieter Palmers:
>> PS: tell me that these already exist, so that I don't have to start my
>> own private projects: 'AbletonLive4Linux', a decent arpeggiator (I can't
>> seem to grasp QMidiArp), 'lock-jack-transport-to-tha-captured-beat'.
> That's something I've been thinking about for quite a while now. I'm
> planning to write a Jack Timebase Master which listens to an input port
> analyzing the stream and tracking the beat. MIDI Clock output would be
> next. My motivation is to sync seq24 & Co. to live drums. aubio comes
> with a causal beat tracker but my first attempts with it were not very
> promising. Causal beat tracking, however, is by no means trivial.
> Especially if you do not know the kind of the input signal, e. g. drums
> vs. a violin.
I don't think this should aim at the general beat tracking problem,
especially not in the early stages.
> I did a little bit of state of the art research, so all I can provide
> for now is a bunch of papers (and a project name FWIW).
> Should you decide to start your own project on this, please get in touch
> with me (LAC2007?).
I already did some experiments on this, and my preliminary conclusion is
that the most reliable way is to start from user input (i.e. some
tapping). If you have this as a basic hint to start from it is not that
difficult to get in & keep sync.
But I don't have time to take on another project...
Received on Tue Feb 27 12:15:08 2007
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